光阴荏苒 炫彩华章




Mr.Douglas Noble, UNICEF Representative to China a.i
Celebrationfor the 40th anniversary of China National Children’s Center
27 August 2022
Distinguished guests,
Ladies and gentlemen,
It is my great pleasure to be here today to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the China National Children’s Center (CNCC). On behalf of UNICEF China, congratulations on 40 years of work supporting China’s children. The China National Children’s Center is a special partner to UNICEF as our partnership has spanned 40 years back to when the China National Children’s Center was first established.
In the past, our cooperation focused on capacity building, research on child nutrition, the provision of supplies, training on child’s rights – which was also supported by the All-China Women’s Federation – and other areas. This picture shows the 10th Anniversary of the China National Children’s Center. In the picture are several UNICEF staff. I hope this picture brings back many fond memories.
More recently we have marked World Children’s Day together. This picture shows our partnership in 2020 in the areas of climate change and youth participation, and we also share other priorities such as child online protection. We hope to partner once again on our upcoming campaign on digital safety.
Improving child rights is a priority for UNICEF in all of our work, and we look forward to supporting the China National Children’s Center in the future to improve the rights of all children in China.
Dear friends, while we celebrate the anniversary of the China National Children’s Center, and our partnership,we should not forget the challenges children face around the world. Globally this year, UNICEF is drawing attention to four challenges faced by children:
First,there is still unfinished business in child survival. In 2021, 25 million children missed out on life saving vaccines, 2 million more than in 2020, and 6 million more than in 2019. For the first time in three decades, we’re witnessing the largest sustained drop in childhood vaccinations.
Second,we need to tackle the learning crisis, prioritizing the most vulnerable and marginalized children, including through closing the digital divide so more children have access to a computer and the internet. A joint UNESCO, UNICEF and World Bank global report published in 2021 states that: this generation of students risks losing $17 trillion in lifetime earnings in present value as a result of school closures, far more than the $10 trillion estimated in 2020.
The global disruption to education caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has: contributed to this economic implication; constitutes the worst education crisis on record; and, further exacerbates children being out of school due to other reasons, such as child labour, child marriage, and conflict. At the end of last year alone, more than 450million children were living in a conflict zone, the highest numberin 20 years.
Thirdly, we need to secure action to support families and communities to bring an end to neglect, abuse and childhood traumas that drive poor mental health and life outcomes.The State of the World’s Children 2021 report estimated that globally more than 13 per cent of adolescents aged 10–19 live with a diagnosed mental health problem as defined by the World Health Organization. In China, adolescents face similar challenges. One recent survey showed that 1 and 4 adolescents reported feeling mildor severe depression. This could be an area of partnership working for UNICEF and the China National Children’s Center moving forward. Together, we could make a real difference in this area.
Finally, UNICEF works with and for children to tackle environmental degradation and climate change, so children have access to clean water, clean air, and a safe and sustainable environment. UNICEF studies show over one billion children globally are at extremely high risk of climate or environmental shocks.
Dear friends, UNICEF is delighted to be here today and we are proud of our partnership. This picture was taken at the China National Children’s Center in 2020. We look forward to many more years of successful partnership with the China National Children’s Center to address challenges facing children in China and around the world!
Thank you!
原标题:《致辞 | 联合国儿童基金会代理驻华代表郑道在“光阴荏苒 炫彩华章”庆祝中国儿童中心成立40周年中外友人招待会上的致辞》
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